Islamic Group in Australia Calls for Execution of Apostates

On Saturday, the leader of the fundamentalist Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir made a confronting declaration : All Muslim apostates should be executed. 

The question was asked during one of their forums in Bankstown Public Library in New South Wales. In answer to the question, "Do you want to kill Muslims?" the group leader Uthman Badar replied, "In Islam, it is clear that apostates do attract capital punishment, we don't shy away from that.” 

The admission was captured on camera and have already been referred to the Australian Federal Police by Justice Minister Michael Keenan, Present in the forum were several children along with journalists and some ex-muslims. 

Hizbut ut-Tahrir Australia made a draft  khilafah state constitution that it requested to be passed in Austalia. One of the articles of the said constitution denotes a capital punishment (death) for those who will leave Islam. The draft constitution was present in their Australian website until 2015. It was taken off after a lawsuit was filed against the group for discrimination on October 2014. 

The group aims for worldwide Islamic Caliphate and is currently operating in 40 countries including Australia. Ironically, the said group is banned in Many Muslim-majority country like  Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Turkey. 

A spokesperson for Justice Minister Michael Keenan told 7 News that the Government condemns language that incites or condones violence, saying that is not free speech. The group is now facing a possible ban in the country.  

Comment from Author : 
Execution due to apostasy is not new news to us but it still very alarming. Several people leave the religion for the violence and sexism and yet they are still being hunted for leaving. This is one of the reasons why we should stop religion from dominating any country. We should always place value for all human lives and not let them get sacrificed for imaginary deities. I really hope that this group will be banned and disbanded as they pose a significant threat in the society we live in. 


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